
Dec. 31 2021

— TFC published 663 fact-checks in 2021

Dec. 2021

— Premiere of documentary “A Thousand Cuts”, the story of the Fillipino journalist Maria Ressa, the 2021 Nobel peace prize laureate.

Taiwan FactCheck Education Foundation host a screening road show in 20 schools and universities across Taiwan.

Nov. 6 2021

— Medical News Award

Taiwan FactCheck Education Foundation host a screening road show in 20 schools and universities across Taiwan.

Nov. 4 2021

— Taiwan media literacy program kickoff

A three-year collaborate projects with domestic civil groups and academics, powered by Google.org. The project aims at empowering the public to tell fact from fiction, particularly targeting digitally disadvantaged people.

Oct. 27 2021

— TFC’s Verification Toolkit won Tseng Shupa (曾虛白) Journalism Award in the Media Literacy

The podcast co-produced by TFC and Mirror Voice also made it to the final shortlist for the media literacy category

Oct. 26 2021

— R&D100 Awards

The Rumour Catcher, tne AI filter tool powered by the Institute for Information Industry won R&D 100 Awards in 2021

Sep. 29 2021

— The final of GNI University Verification Challemge goes live at Google Trusted Media Summit

Sep. 25 2021

— The first-ever University verification challenge in the Chinese-speaking region

More than 35 teams, 100 students participated the Google News Initiative campaign aiming at bringing awareness of misinformation

Sep. 16 2021

— Tackling Misinformation: In-depth fact-checking workshop for media professionals

More than 140 attendees, including fact-checkers and journalists from Hong Kong, Mongolia, and Southern China joined the event.

Aug. 27 2021

— TFC is in Facebook’s Accelerator Project, amomg 14 fact-checkers accross the globe

Aug. 3 2021

— Online workshop co-hosted by TFC and the Foundation for Excellent Journalism Award

May 2021

— GNI online workshops towards university students

Apr. 22 2021

— House warming party!

— Internship program sponsored by Rotary club of Taipei North

Mar. 9 2021

— TFC’s 3rd renewal of IFCN Code of Principles signatory

TFC was first approved in 2018 and has successfully renewd its verification every year thereafter.

Feb. 2021

— TFC transforms into an independent foundation

Dec. 2020

TFC has published 511 fact-checks in 2020.

Launch of the new website

Oct. 2020

Launch of the new website

The ChatBot allows TFC to quickly respond users’ inquiries as well as collect viral online rumors

Lessons of Taiwan

TFC shares its experience at at Google Trusted Media Summit about how Taiwan civil society and fact-checking projects combat COVID-19 misinformation

Sep. 2020

The verification expert

The verification expert Eoghan Sweeney delivers the virtual Fact-checking workshop remotely from Berlin due to the pandemic. The event sponsored by Google News Initiative aims at professional journalists and editors.

Aug. ~ Oct. 2020

— TFC teams up with Taipei Computer Association (TCA) to host five fact-checking workshops for media profession

Aug. ~ Dec. 2020

— Fact-checking in universities

TFC partners with the National Association for the Promotion of Community Universities, the association for Quality Journalism, and Google had executed a media literacy teaching plan that introduced incorporation teaching methods in 33 community colleges.

Aug. 26 2020

— The fifth rating is added to the list: Unproven

Aug. 2020

— Launch of Rumor Catcher

The AI tool which is developed by Taiwan Institute for Information Industry (III) and TFC, allows fact-checkers to identify the most viral and harmful online claims and stop the spread effectively.

Jul. 2020

— Launch of Verification Toolkit

The verification toolkit contains tools and resource to facilitate verification for beginners.

Jun. 2020

— Winner of the Best Correction

TTFC’s fact-check wins the Best Correction Award at 2020 Global Fact 7. TFC quickly debunked a claim that shows someone was rigging the voting system on election day. The Fact-check clamed tensions over potential election interference.

— TFC’s Editor in Chief, Summer Chen shares how TFC has fought against COVID-19 misinformation at Global Fact 7.

Apr. 2020

— TFC is awarded $ 50,000 grant by IFCN and Facebook to fight COVID-19 misinformation using multimedia.

— Launch of Podcast program

A collaborative project with Mirror Voice produces fact-checking podcasts

Jan. 2020

— A call for CoronaVirusFacts Alliance

TFC alerts the associate director of IFCN, Cristina Tardáguila, of the threat on the day of Wuhan lockdown, contributed to the formation of CoronaVirusFacts Alliance
The Foundation for Excellent Journalism Award, the Association for Quality Journalism, the Taiwan Media Watch Foundation and TFC jointly publish a watcher report on how TV broadcasters live stream presidential election result.

Dec. 31 2019

—243 fact-checks habe been published since July 2018

Dec. 29 2019

—Fact-checking presidential debate in real time

The real-time fact-check of debate published by TFC receives much attention from the public and was widely cited by Taiwan media.

Dec. 2019

—TFC and IFCN co-host a fact-checking workshop in Taiwan. IFCN director, Baybars Örsek, and associate director, Cristina Tardáguila, fly to Taiwan as workshop trainers.

Nov. 2019

—TFC’s 2nd renewal of IFCN Code of Principles signatory

Oct. 5 2019

The founder and the editor in chief of BuzzFeed Japan, Daisuke Furuta

—First Forum on Fact-Checking in Asia 2019

TFC hosts the first Forum on Fact-Checking in Asia. Fact-checkers and academics from five Asian countries take part in this grant gathering and have enthusiastic discussions.

Jun. 19 2019

—The third-party partner of Facebook

Facebook announces that TFC would be its first fact-checking partner in Taiwan, the 54th worldwide.

—TFC partners with Google to host a workshop “Tackling Misinformation”. The trainer is the renowned investigation specialist, Eoghan Sweeney.

May 2019

—Fact-checking for everyone

TFC’s first workshop for the public is hosted in Taiwan and at least three workshops are organized across Taiwan every year thereafter.

—Fact-checks on TV

TFC aligns with Chinese Television System to launch fact-checking program, Fake Buster.

Mar. 28 2019

—Partnership with LINE

LINE announces a new fact-checking program teamed up with TFC, Cofacts, Rum Toast and MyGoPen. The program is due to launch on July 22.

Feb. 2019

—Under the collaboration with Yahoo, TFC’s fact-checks and article are now available on Yahoo.

Jan. 2019

—Fact-Checks to “read” with ears

TFC partners up with the National Education Radio to release a new radio fact-checking program.

Dec. 1 2018

Introduction of the first book about fake news to Taiwan

The Association for Quality Journalism publishes the Chinese version of the book ‘A Field Guide to “Fake News” and Other Information Disorders’ written by First Draft. It is the first book about fake news in Taiwan.

Nov. 1 2018

First IFCN Code of Principles signatory in Taiwan

TFC’s submission is approved by Internation Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) and became the first IFCN-certified fact-checker in Taiwan and East Asia.

Sep. 15 2018

A fact-check in the spotlight

TFC debunks a rival rumor claiming that China’s Consulate-General evacuated Taiwan tourlists trapped in flooded Kansai Airport. The fact-check receives a lot of public attention and the incident showed the public that false misinformation can lead to real harm.

Aug. 25 2018

TFC has its first training camp to recruit volunteers and freelance fact-checker.

Jul. 31 2018

Launch of the website

TFC publishes its debut fact-check on the website and started to receive reports on suspicious content from the public.

Apr. 19 2018

Birth of the Taiwan FactCheck Center

The Association for Quality Journalism and the Taiwan Media Watch Foundation announce to jointly found Taiwan FactCheck Center.