Asia Forum 2022: 3 Lessons from the War in Ukraine

◤Why focus on the War in Ukraine?  聚焦烏俄戰爭◢

Although the Russo-Ukrainian War is in Europe, we really feel the same way. The aggressor country did not only bombard the civilian shelters with fierce and relentless attack, but also spread malicious disinformation to justify the invasion and mislead the public.

Taiwan FactCheck Center participates #UkraineFacts, which is the collaborative project of IFCN signatories since the war happened. The #UkraineFacts is based on the experience of the CoronaVirusFacts Alliance, which is the longest and global-scale collaborative project in IFCN.

“3 Lessons from the War in Ukraine” is the main topic in the 2022 Asia Fact-Checking Forum. 3 speakers will be on-line with us to share how they fight against disinformation during the war in Ukraine.  

In the crucial moment, let us connect with the fact-checking organizations from Ukraine and Spain  and the researcher/reporter from US to get amazing inspiration. They will bright their insights and share their thoughts to us. It is 3 must-learn lessons to Taiwan and Asia. 






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◤3 Lessons from the War in Ukraine 借鏡烏俄戰爭的3堂必修課 ◢


我們邀請到美國哈佛甘乃迪學院假訊息研究者,同時也是頂尖數位調查記者的Jane Lytvynenko。旅居波士頓的她,來自烏克蘭基輔,在烏俄戰爭期間持續發布對俄國假訊息的破解和觀測。她將分享國際媒體如何運用數位調查防守假訊息,並製作戰地新聞,頂尖OSINT專家和業餘愛好社群如何運用公開情報來源,收集侵略國的戰爭罪證據,為烏克蘭民眾堅持正義,以及烏克蘭民眾如何運用科技力量來反擊。

Jane Lytvynenko is an internationally acclaimed reporter, researcher, and trainer. She's currently a senior research fellow on the Tech and Social Change Project at Harvard Kennedy School's Shorenstein Center where she's developing and teaching a curriculum to newsrooms on investigating disinformation. She's also researching the spread of both accurate information and network propaganda surrounding the war in Ukraine. Previously, Jane was a senior reporter on the BuzzFeed News technology team where she wrote about disinformation. Her work has uncovered propaganda networks, exposed far-right organizations, and brought fast, accessible fact-checking to broad audiences during crises. As a freelance reporter, her work has appeared in The Guardian, The Atlantic, MIT Tech Review, and others. Jane is from Kyiv, Ukraine and resides in Boston,US with her giant cat Begemot.

She will share how how the media use visual investigaton to debunk disinformation and verify footages to report war stories, and how the OSINT experts and the OSINT community used open intelligence sources to collect evidence for war crimes to stand for the Ukrainians, and how the Ukrainians used digital power to fight back.


烏克蘭查核組織VoxCheck總編審Svitlana Slipchenko,將從基輔連線,跟我們分享她和查核記者在戰火中的查核工作,在最險峻的時刻,VoxCheck保持獨立的查核精神,堅守查核記者岡位,以扎實的查證工作,提供給烏克蘭民眾經過確認的戰報,並強悍抵抗來自俄羅斯假訊息,對國際和烏克蘭社會發聲。給我們最好的啟發。

Svitlana Slipchenko is a Head of VoxCheck, a fact-checking unit of NGO VoxUkraine since December 2021. Svitlana started her work in VoxCheck in 2017 as a junior analyst and then has grown to the project lead. Svitlana holds Master’s Degree in Economics and Economic Policy from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. She is also in charge of VoxCheckAcademy – a training center for interns of VoxCheck. She is a manager of VoxCheck official pages on Facebook and Telegram. 

Svitlana Slipchenko will be with us from Kyiv to share with us how fact checkers work during the war. To insist its independentce and critical thinking, VoxCheck is doing strictly.

checking journalists in the midst of war, where VoxCheck maintained the spirit of independent checking in the most dangerous of times. VoxCheck has been able to resist Russian disinformation and speak to the international and Ukrainian community to bring the best inspiration for us.


西班牙查核組織Maldita.es查核編輯Andrés Jiménez MacKellar,將分享他們如何以一封電郵,就啟動全球查核組織共同協作,組織成#UkraineFacts,打造一條烏俄戰爭不實訊息的全球陣線,這一條全球的防線,發揮了什麼樣的作用,又是如何跨國合作與協力。

Andrés Jiménez MacKellar is the Debunking Editor at, a Spanish fact-checking organization, where he has also been a reporter since 2018. Prior to that, he founded a fact-checking project called Facterbot and worked as an editor at the Spanish news agency Agencia EFE. Andrés has offered many media literacy workshops and participated in international counter disinformation seminars.

Andrés Jiménez MacKellar will share how Maldita initiated the global collaboration, UkrianeFacts with an email, building a global front against the disinformation in war. He will share how Maldita works with experts and audience to fight against misinformation. 

◤3 Lessons from the War in Ukraine◢


❶ Lesson 1| How Media and OSINT community fight against misinformation during the War

Date&Time :Jun 7/7-9 pm   (GMT+8)

Speaker :Jane Lytvynenko (Sr. Research Fellow, TaSC Project, Harvard's Shorenstein Center” &Freelance Reporter)

❷ Lesson 2|Battlefield's Counterattack- Ukrainian fact-checking organization VoxCheck

Date&Time :Jun 8/2-4 pm

Speaker:Svitlana Slipchenko (Head of VoxCheck)

❸ Lesson 2|A Global Collobration against the Disinformation #UkraineFacts

Date&Time:Jun 9 /2-4 pm

Speaker :Andrés Jiménez MacKellar (Debunking Editor,

【Organizer】Taiwan FactCheck Center


【Online Class】Google Meet

*The forum will be pre-recorded in English with Chinese subtitles, and the QA session will be conducted in English.


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